Current members can pay dues on our Square page at
(NOTE: Dues for 2024 are $50 per member, pro-rated quarterly for new members)
Updated November 2023
Thanks for considering joining the Knoxville LEGO User Group! We would love to have you. To join, please review our membership criteria below as per our by-laws, and if agreeable, fill out the form at the bottom of this page!
Membership Overview
Members must be 18 years of age. Junior members may join at 15 years old, provided they are supervised by a parent/guardian at all times at club functions. Immediate family (spouses and children) are permitted at club events and social activities, however must maintain active membership to receive the benefits of full membership as outlined below.
Dues-Paying Member Status
Annual dues rates will be determined by the approved annual budget, and announced by the new or current President no later than December 31st of the previous year.
Recurring member dues must be paid by February 1st of every year in full. For issues of significant financial burden, the Treasurer has the discretion to offer a payment plan for 2 half payments. Dues are not required for junior members.
New members will be charged a pro-rated monthly rate for every full month remaining in the calendar year. This full amount should be paid by the first of the month following member enrollment. (Example: member joins Oct 20th, they will be charged the monthly rate for 2 months (Nov, Dec) due November 1st, then will join the annual dues outlined above for recurring members).
Dues-Paying members will receive the following member benefits:
- Access to club functions and events, at organizers discretion (some events Knox LUG will need to defer to other entities’ rules and guidelines)
- Periodic live training workshops with other club members
- (1) club name badge included after initial membership dues are paid
- Access to website sign-ups for club activities and member-paid parts drafts
Active Member Status
Active members are dues-paying, and also meet the following requirements:
- Attend at least one business meeting a year in person
- Display one original creation (MOC) at a club event per year that can either be a wholly original creation (8×8 stud minimum) or a significantly modified LEGO set.
- Participate in one club event per year for the equivalent of one full working day.
In addition to the member benefits for Dues-Paying members, Active members will enjoy the following opportunities, which includes all opportunities for free LEGO as provided by The LEGO Group. These opportunities typically include:
- Access to annual part nomination and ordering
- Access to LEGO-provided LUG support sets and parts (when earned through event-specific participation)
- Access to free parts drafts, using parts sent to the club from TLG.
- Access to LEGO Project Support proposals, as approved by the President & Ambassador.
Members are expected to behave in a way consistent with stated club guidelines. Any behavior that could jeopardize the club’s recognized status with LEGO or reputation with the general public, will result in the following:
- Warning from the club President
- Immediate dismissal from the club, in the event of egregious offenses. Immediate dismissal requires an affirmative 2/3 vote of elected officers.
Members should avoid emailing the entire LUG without approval from the President.
If you’re ready to join, please fill out the form below:
(NOTE: Dues for 2024 are $50 per member, pro-rated quarterly for new members)